Saturday 11 February 2017


The High stone walls have been scratched built from 6mm MDF for use with 28mm miniatures in conjunction with Chain of Command game
The walls are classed as:
Major obstacles (over chest height of a man)

Image of Terrain, one of four gaming tables I made for Cancon 2017, here my Brits are hugging the high walls advancing towards the enemy's base line while Matthew's Panzer Grenadiers are trying stop me (Scenario 2 The Probe) 
I eventually made it but Matthew did put up strong resistants .
Infantry may climb over the wall but must be adjacent to the wall at the start of the Phase they declare their intentions of "climbing over the wall".

They are then placed immediately on the other side of the wall during the Phase they declared "to climb".

This counts as normal movement and the troops may not perform any other action. 

A Crusader AA Mk II smashes thru the wall

Fully Tracked vehicles are the only vehicles that are allowed to smash thru these walls using 2D6 of movement.  

The lower dice is discarded, leaving the higher dice for the vehicle to reach and smash thru the wall. 

While attempting the task, if doubles are rolled the vehicle is Temporally Immobilised

In the following Phases it may attempt to free itself by Activating the Driver and rolling 1D6.

 On a roll of:

5-6 its free and moves the number rolled in inches.

1 it becomes permanently Immobilised. 

Temporary or Permanently Immobilised vehicle will Double any Shock it suffers in subsequent Phases.

Break in the wall caused by a tracked vehicle allows Infantry to freely move thru the wall.

Troops venting thru the large gate and door.

Hole in the wall gives access but also provides hard cover for a firing position.

Using 6mm MDF cut strips 4.5cm x 30cm 

Using a Dremel type hand grinder in conjunction with a circular bur start to run the bur up and down in a circular motion to to give the wall a bit of texture. Also go over the top of the wall .

Continue grinding in cracks in the wall and detail exposed stones,finally using a disc cut into the top of the wall and sides to create flat stones. 

Measure and cut 3mm MDF for bases 3.5cm x 30cm.

Make a the middle of the base on both ends, place PVA glue on the bottom of the wall and glue in place.

Allow to dry be careful the walls are placed at right angles to the base and not leaning over.

trooper placed for scale

Use a Mitre box and hand saw to cut the sections in half ,cut into the base to give it a irregular shape with box cutters.

Using PVA add some rocks.

Clink on : low stone walls for more info on  base design.

Undercoat the walls with Black Primer and paint the walls with Vallejo Model Colour 886 Green Grey,2 coats are required.

Using a 50:50 mix of Stone Grey and Green Grey to dry brush the walls

Using a 50:50 mix of Green Grey and Iraqui Sand dry brush selected parts of the wall.

Using a 50:50 mix of off white and Green Grey paint select parts of the wall, you can increase the portion of Off white to suit . 

Light highlight with Stone wall grey to the lighter areas only. 
Paint the top of the walls with Carne Marron Tan and very lightly dry brush them with a 50;50 mix of Carne Marron Tan and Stonewall Grey.
Exposed stones in the wall are painted with Stone wall grey.

Finally use Oliver Grey to paint the green running from top to bottom in 2 or 3 places on the wall.(this will be the areas to add Woodland Green Blend in conjunction with PVA glue)

Brush on PVA glue to the base and flock.

I constructed a number of walls,2 x breached walls and a gate.

Wednesday 1 February 2017


The Stone walls have been scratched build with MDF  for use with 28mm scale miniatures in conjunction with Chain of Command game
They are classed as:
  • Medium Obstacles(up to chest height of a man).
  • Hard Cover

Infantry may attempt to move over these walls using 2D6 of movement.

The higher dice rolled is discarded, leaving the lower dice for the Infantry unit to use in its attempt to reach and cross the wall.
 (Any troops that are unsuccessful in crossing the wall, may use the discarded dice to move closer to the wall).

Infantry portable Anti tank weapons maybe Activated by a Senior Leader to fire at Infantry in hard cover, doubling any HITS achieved.
Fully Tracked vehicles are the only vehicles that are allowed to smash thru these walls using 2D6 of movement.  

The lower dice is discarded, leaving the higher dice for the vehicle to reach and smash thru the wall. 

While attempting the task, if doubles are rolled the vehicle is Temporally Immobilised

In the following Phases it may attempt to free itself by Activating the Driver and rolling 1D6.

 On a roll of:

5-6 its free and moves the number rolled in inches.
1 it becomes permanently Immobilised. 

Temporary or Permanently Immobilised vehicle will Double any Shock it suffers in subsequent Phases.

Using 3mm MDF cut strips 3.5cm x 30cm and 6mm MDF 2.4cm x 30 cm

Use box cutters carve notches onto of the 6mm MDF strip this will be the top of the stone wall.

Make triangular cuts into the base portion of the MDF 

Using a Dremel type hand grinder in conjunction with a circular bur start to run the bur up and down in a circular motion to form the shape of the stones.

Continue with a fine fissure bur defining each stone.   

On the 3mm MDF base mark out the middle on both ends to help with locating the wall section.

Apply PVA glue to the base and position on the base using the pencil marks as a guide.

Once the glue is dry use a Mitre box to cut in half.

Measure and mark 2.3 cm down from the edge of one side and using a hand saw make 2 cuts to remove portion of the base. Mark this piece as your Master.

Use the master as a guide to scribe all the stones wall bases.

Use a hand saw cut along the lines marked to reveal a square end on one side only.

Option step: cut into the base to give it a irregular shape.

Prime MDF( best to prime the base as well) 

Paint the walls with Vallejo Model Colour 886 Green Grey.

Use a 40:60 mix of Green Grey and Off white 820 to dry brush the walls.

Dry brush with Offwhite 820 then use Reikland Fleshwash to colour random stones, once dry, use Offwhite  820 to Lightly dry brush wall.

Apply PVA with brush and add flock.

Completed flocking allow to dry, optional step is to spray  weak watered down PVA glue onto the flock .

Completed stone wall with breached wall and gate added.

Top view showing how the walls match up.

The indented cuts allows for some adjustments to be made to the walls for a better fit on the gaming mat.

Also allows for a nice fit .
Don't forget to make a number of gates, these where made from matches.

Break in the wall caused by a tracked vehicle allows Infantry to freely move thru the wall.