2022 saw the return of Chain of Command to MOAB gaming convention after a couple of years of non gaming. 10 players fought it out on 5 gaming table for 2 days followed by a big Chain of Command game on the third day.
The period battled, was Early War, seeing the German Blitzkrieg in action with the combined force of the French and BEF trying to hold back the Germans.
The French fielded one Motorized Infantry platoon and a Groupe Franc 'Trentaine' platoon while the BEF fielded two 1940 Regulation platoons and a Motor Infantry platoon. The Germans fielded one 1st Wave Infantry platoon, two Motorcycle Reconnaissance platoons and two Schutzen Platoons from the 4th Panzer Division.
The Germans fought hard and were able to achieving most of their objectives except for the Village table where the French and BEF had major victories.
The French and the BEF also had some inter rivalry fun going on, trying to out do each against the Germans. 😉 (with the BEF just easing ahead of the French)
Big thanks to all the players and hope to see you all at MOAB 2023,God willing.
This is going to be a Photo Bomb post, starting with two images of one of the gaming areas at MOAB.
TABLE 1: canal table
TABLE 2: The Roadblock
TABLE 5: VILLAGE, this was the table the French/BEF dominated against the Germans.BIG CHAIN OF COMMAND GAME ON THE THIRD DAY
MOAB's Chain of Command Team Front row left to right: Me, Owen, Damien, Rowan, Steve, Greg Back row from the left, Chris, Dare, Robert, Al Greg and Barnaby Jones taking the photo. Once again thank you all for a great 3 day gaming and social event. Cheer John |