Thursday 10 November 2022

CANCON 2023 - LARD DOWN UNDER -The Battle of TAIERZHUANG gaming table.

The first gaming table ready for Cancon 2023 for Len Tracey, to host the Chinese vs Japanese battle of Taierzhuang on March 1938. All the terrain pieces including the gaming mat are scratched built by me and the scale is built for 28mm miniatures. 

Currently, I am putting together another table for Len's second game at Cancon, which is based in the Pacific with Australians battling out with Japanese.  

I started the build, using a rough sketch of the gaming table by Len,
I used foam board with a thin plastic outer skin and inner foam core.
Detail was scribed in with box cutter. 
I used a glue gun to secure the pieces together.
One side completed, view of the outer wall.
View of the inner wall with a 28mm figure for scale comparison.
The middle portion ready for the next stage.
Spaced on the table to calculate the amount of collapsed wall is need to be built between the intact walls.
Primed with black primer.
I used Students paints to paint the walls, here is a image of one portion of the collapsed wall undergoing construction.
To make the ruin building within the wall, I turned to foam board once more but the one with a paper outer layer with foam in the middle. I chose these materials as I had limited time and ease and speed of cutter and assembling them.
PVA glue is used to secure debris over the ruin buildings.
Once again used Students paints on a production line to paint the buildings.
View of the main gate and entry point to the city. 
Chinese troops have set up a road block behind the main gate.
Portion of the collapsed wall.
The mat underneath the ruins is just a old bed sheet that has been sprayed black and grey.
Close up image of the narrow streets.
View of the main gate from the Japanese troops perspective.
Hope to post images of the battles late in January 2023.
Cheers John 


  1. Superb post and a good indication just how much work those that support the shows, put into their tables. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Norm and yes as you said a lot of work goes into setting a event.
      cheers John

  2. That looks great, John!

    Just a little confusion here - why do (some of?) the buildings have windows in interior walls?

    1. Thanks TamsinP for your comments, there are no windows in the interior walls ,you might be mistaking partially destroyed walls between the building as opening for windows, 😉
      cheers John

  3. Mind blowing as expected John. Well done. Can't wait to see this in the flesh come January mate. What is your source for the foamboard with plastic skin please?

    1. Thanks Frank for your comments
      cheers John

  4. Astonishingly good table mate! Bloomin’ amazing 😎
