This weekend has provided me with some time to finish off my Vickers Machine gun and progress further with my Australian Infantry Platoon as CANCON is getting closer.
I have scratched built the Vickers gun and converted Perry plastic 28mm figures as the crew.
Japanese sniper in the palm trees has his sights on the gunner. |
Completed Vickers gun with Australian crew. |
Vickers gun with crew prior to painting.
The starting point of the scratch build. Once more I used odds and ends of plastic,brass rods and whatever was lying around for the build. |
On completing the Vickers , I moved onto converting Perry's 8th army figures to man the gun. |
Completed Vickers gun. |
Green stuff putty was used to help with the conversion work. |
I also modeled the spent ammo belt which runs out the other side of the MG. |
Two crew members the loader with a metal slouch hat and other member pointing out targets. |
The other 2 crew members, one opening a ammo case while the other is carrying in more ammo. |
Figures and gun painted and flocked. |
Gunner |
I modeled the gunner in such a position, to portray him blasting away at a target. |
I also constructed a Log entrenchment for the Vickers.
It's constructed with fallen branches off a tree in the local park , trimmed and super- glued in place. I also added some fine flock, this was a very quick build.
I decided to make the log emplacement without a base so that it would sit on-top of and blend in better with the terrain on the gaming table. |
I also made one for the 2 pounder gun I recently constructed. |
Here is the 2 pounder in place, if you notice I had to leave a gap in the front of the log emplacement to accommodate the chassis of the gun. |
cheers John